Dry Needling
Dry Needling is based on western anatomical and neuro-physiological principals and should not to be confused with the Traditional Chinese Medicine technique of acupuncture.
Dry needling is a broad term used to differentiate “non-injection” needling from the practice of “injection needling” which involves the injection of an agent such as saline, local anaesthetic or corticosteroid into the tissue or specific anatomical structures.
In contrast to this, dry needling utilizes a solid, sterile filament needle (as used in acupuncture). Needles are inserted into ‘trigger points’ of a muscle, which are defined as a hyper-irritable spot within a muscle. Dry Needling alleviates the symptoms of trigger points by stimulating blood flow to the area, reducing pain nerve responses and relaxing surrounding muscle tissue.
Dry Needling is a useful adjunct to standard physiotherapy techniques for the following conditions:
- Shoulder/neck tension
- Headaches/migraine
- Tennis elbow
- Gluteal muscle trigger points
- Lower back pain
- TMJ pain
- Calf and hamstring pain/tightness