Spring is here and the days are getting longer, soon it will be warmer and will become easier to start exercising and moving more.
This change in season also brings the Tri season, Melbourne Marathon, fun runs and sporting events which involve training, time, and treatments to keep you injury free and able to compete at your best.
Putting in the time for training for these events is only one part of ideal preparation. It can be fun, a stress release or you love pushing yourself to get fitter and achieve results. But a lot of the time we forget to give back to our bodies.
These activities require repetitive actions which shorten and tighten muscle fibres, reducing range of motion. Left untreated, this can result in injury.
Coming in for a one-off treatment before an event will help, but the benefits of remedial massage are cumulative – the more regularly you receive a massage the greater the benefit, and you will ensure your muscles are at their performance best.
Make sure you treat your sore muscles before they became chronic. Between treatments I recommend Epsom salt baths or standing in the ocean to cool the muscles and help muscle recovery.
-Cassie Haslam
Cassie is available during the day and evenings during the week and some Saturday mornings. If you’d like to book in a remedial massage/ relaxation massage or reflexology session call us on 9681-7255