self care

Self care

What exactly is Self Care?

Self Care is a concept that’s been talked of a lot in the past few years. Often referred to as a ‘buzzword’, it is frequently misunderstood. It is a term used to define a practice that has a lifetime value. Undoubtedly, it is a practice that involves more than simply massages, manicures, hot baths and roses.

Mindfully taking time to pay attention to yourself and prioritising your own care is so important. Are you wanting to maximise your well being and personal health? Practicing Self Care rituals is the key. Like many busy people in this day and age, you find it challenging to make yourself a priority. Furthermore, you may even feel guilty at the thought of putting yourself first.

Making your wellbeing a priority:

Often in life you may find yourself constantly putting the needs of others before yourself. These may be your children, your partner, your friends, family and even your work commitments. Certainly there are times when the needs of those you love are greater and require more of your time and energy. You can only take care of others when you first take care of yourself.

self care

Useful analogies:

It’s like the flight attendant’s words in the inflight safety briefing ‘always put on your own oxygen mask first, before you assist others’. In daily life, this is about making your own needs and care a priority so you are better equipped to help others. The ‘cup full’ analogy is also worth considering.

You simply cannot pour from an empty cup. Keeping your cup full (so to speak) through prioritising Self Care is crucial.  It enables you to carry out your responsibilities and commitments from a contented place of wellbeing instead of the contrary; a place of unfulfilled resentment.

People that take the time to create a routine prioritising their own care generally experience a happier, healthier and more fulfilled life. Four key areas make up Self Care: emotional, physical, psychological and spiritual health. That said, let’s look at what Self Care involves in a practical sense. 

Ways in which to implement Self Care:

  • Developing a sleep routine.
  • Taking the time to prepare nutritious snacks and meals.
  • Embracing positive self talk; being your own cheerleader.
  • Finding exercise that you enjoy and creating a routine.
  • Getting out in the fresh air in your lunch break.
  • Enjoying a healthy sex life.
  • Creating ‘quiet’ in your life through a practice such as meditation.
  • Setting boundaries – this could be learning to say “No”.
  • Making time to do the things or see the people that bring you the most joy.
  • Drinking plenty of water.
  • Brushing your teeth twice a day.
  • Review and sorting out your finances.
  • Decluttering and organising your home.

self care

If you’re looking for a place to start, choose one of the acts of self care listed above. Perhaps it could be the one you know you need the most, or the one that would be easiest to implement right now. Give it your full attention for one week to begin with. Following that, reflect on how you feel as a result of making your care a priority.

Ensuring that your good intentions stick:

  • Write down your goals in your diary or somewhere that’s readily visible.
  • Share your commitment with your partner or a close friend. For some, being kept accountable can be key.
  • Plan for your new Self Care commitment. Without a doubt, Self Care practices are most likely to occur when you schedule them in!
  • Commit for a week to begin with. Following the success of this, you can then extend over a period of 1-2 months.
  • Stop to take time and reflect on how you feel having made and fulfilled this small
    commitment to yourself.
  • Celebrate your self care wins! In life you need to celebrate all your wins. Not only will it support you to gain more momentum but you will feel fabulous celebrating.

Know that you are worth taking care of. When you can show up in life feeling your best, you are better for everyone and everything else around you. Consider how your life would be different if you first took time to take care of yourself.

‘If you are going to come anywhere but last, you need to put yourself first’ – Lisa O’Neill.

A bit about Charlotte:

Charlotte Heald is a Holistic Health Coach who works predominantly with Rural Women. She helps them to create empowered sustainable lifestyles so they can leave their overwhelm, fatigue, and unfulfilled lives behind. At the top of her priority list, Charlotte believes Self Care is essential for everyone to create balance, fulfilment, and optimal wellbeing.

Charlotte has a powerful autoimmune healing journey. This journey fuels her desire to support others towards health & wellbeing. Wealth Of Health is Charlotte’s coaching business. In addition to running 1:1 coaching, she also runs Women’s Retreats, and features in national and international podcasts. She helps women to create empowering and life-changing transformations. 

Charlotte lives on an Organic Regenerative Dairy Farm, in Norsewood New Zealand with her husband and three children. A Registered Nurse (RNBN) with a Postgraduate Certificate in Primary Health Care (Long-term Conditions), Charlotte is also a Certified Integrative Nutrition Health Coach, Facilitator and Speaker.

You can find Charlotte on these platforms: 

~ Charlotte Heald


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