
Tanya’s Pilates Q&A

Tanya sent out a little Q&A to our physio team to find out what their favourite and least favourite exercises are. Sometimes we’re guilty of choosing to do our own favourites when we do our own Pilates sessions. That’s one reason it’s always great to be led by an instructor who will dish our some of your least favourite exercises too- as these are often the ones our bodies actually need to do!

Tanya’s Q&A:

  1. Favourite exercise for myself

  2. Favourite exercise for clients

  3. Least favourite exercise to do ourselves?


  1. Rocket and stomach pulls!

  2. Butt busters on 0.5 springs

  3. Controversial but legs in straps!


  1. Scooter variations

  2. Butt busters

  3. Standing adductors


  1. Legs in straps or anything abs

  2. Jump board series or butt busters

  3. Standing abduction


  1. Legs ins straps

  2. Standing lunge series, especially the back leg bend for my higher level clients that want to make their legs feel like jelly

  3. V ups on TT


  1. Pikes/knee tucks/rocket

  2. Heavy/light butt busters

  3. Standing board glutes


  1. Legs in straps

  2. Stomach massage (not really a massage!)

  3. Reverse abs


  1. Legs in straps

  2. Forearm plank series

  3. Standing lunge series especially on a higher reformer with light springs


  1. Snake (when I am up for it!)

  2. Anything on the wobble board because it always provides a challenge

  3. Reverse abs


  1. Pikes anything core

  1. Scooter tippy birds

  2. 4 point kneeling


  1. Mermaid on the reformer

  2. My fav to give people is the series scooter, lunge then tipping bird

  3. I don’t have one!


Which are your favourite exercises?



Find another one of our team Q&A’s with this previous blog review of activewear

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