The MRI experience
One of our clients shares her firsthand experience of going through a MRI scan. If you’ve just been referred by your doctor or medical specialist for your first MRI (Magnetic Resonance Imaging), what would you like to know? Of course, there’s plenty of information online about MRIs… what they’re for, what they do, how they work.
Different types of vertigo
Vertigo in a patient can present due to a number of different causes. The vestibular system includes the parts of the inner ear and brain. These areas process the sensory information involved with controlling balance and eye movements. If disease or injury damages these processing areas, vestibular disorders can result. Vestibular disorders can also result
Older person’s health
Keeping our older people safe and well: With an ageing populating, it is now more important than ever to look after the health of the older people in our community. According to Sherrington et al, At least one-third of people aged 65 years and over fall once or more annually. The flow-on effects from a
Hand Therapy at PMPP
What is Hand Therapy? Hand Therapy is the art and science of rehabilitation of the upper limb. It involves evaluation and testing to assess the injured limb, from which a specific treatment program can be designed. Hand Therapists have specialised skills in the following areas: Custom-splinting. Scar and wound management. Exercise prescription. Manual therapy. Hand Therapists are qualified Physiotherapists
Returning to Exercise Post Covid
With the new Omicron Covid-19 variant having arrived on our doorstep, many of you (and us) have now contracted the virus. Not the start to 2022 that we had been hoping for! With rising case numbers epidemiologists are predicting 60% of the population will have had Covid in the next few weeks. So we thought
Are your New Year’s resolutions achievable?
Is your diet doing what it’s supposed to? It’s easy to get swept up into the aspirational health marketing thrown at us every New Year. The advertisements telling us “to take this simple step…”, “ follow this diet…”, “do this workout regime…”, to be the best you you can be! And the resounding implication is
Does exercise reduce pain?
There are hundreds of physiological and psychological benefits to exercise but have you heard that exercise can also reduce pain? There are many proposed mechanisms for why exercise can reduce pain in healthy populations as well as those managing long standing pain and stubborn muscle tightness. In a recent study assessing the benefits of exercise in
Frozen shoulder
What is frozen shoulder? Frozen shoulder typically presents as an extremely painful and irritable shoulder. It usually arises quickly and for no apparent reason. The “causal” movement may have been minimal or nothing at all. This condition changes over time from a painful predominant stage to a stiff predominant stage. The physiological changes: In the stiff
Toileting habits
Why you shouldn’t go to the toilet “just in case” “Just in case” trips to the toilet can train the bladder to go to the toilet when it isn’t ready. By setting up these toileting habits, it can predispose you to having an overactive bladder (OAB). What is an OAB? An overactive bladder causes frequent
Shockwave Therapy
In this blog, Alec and Lachlan from Up and Running Podiatry discuss the concept of Shockwave Therapy. Have you found that you are putting in 100% into your exercise rehabilitation but your soft tissue injury is taking a long time to heal? Shockwave therapy could be the answer. What is Shockwave Therapy? Shockwave therapy is a non-invasive