Stay up to date with the latest news and posts with our regular blog from our team at Port Melbourne Physiotherapy & Pilates

Frozen shoulder

What is frozen shoulder? Frozen shoulder typically presents as an extremely painful and irritable shoulder. It usually arises quickly and for no apparent reason. The “causal” movement may have been minimal or nothing at all. This condition changes over time from a painful predominant stage to a stiff predominant stage. The physiological changes: In the stiff

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Toileting habits

Why you shouldn’t go to the toilet “just in case” “Just in case” trips to the toilet can train the bladder to go to the toilet when it isn’t ready. By setting up these toileting habits, it can predispose you to having an overactive bladder (OAB). What is an OAB? An overactive bladder causes frequent

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Shockwave Therapy

In this blog, Alec and Lachlan from Up and Running Podiatry discuss the concept of Shockwave Therapy. Have you found that you are putting in 100% into your exercise rehabilitation but your soft tissue injury is taking a long time to heal? Shockwave therapy could be the answer. What is Shockwave Therapy? Shockwave therapy is a non-invasive

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Returning to gym post lockdown

Returning to exercise after any length of time off should be done cautiously to avoid the risk of injury or rebound bad habits. Many of us have dealt with time off exercise at some stage. This may be due to injury, travel, time restraints, pregnancy, seasons or motivation. Over the last two years, almost all

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Rotator Cuff Tendinopathy

Shoulder pain is an extremely common complaint from clients we see in the clinic. We have seen an increase in patients with shoulder pain, particularly related to the rotator cuff, during the COVID-19 pandemic. This is likely due to the rise in working from home, virtual exercise classes and an increase in DIY projects. People

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hauora health

Hauora: the four pillars of health

A holistic view of health: Growing up in New Zealand, Māori culture was integrated in my education from a young age. When I studied Physiotherapy at The University of Otago, I learnt about the concept of Hauora. Hauroa is the Māori notion of wellbeing and encompasses four different aspects of health: 1. Taha Tinana:  (Physical

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Optimising body-brain performance

How can we optimise health and wellbeing? Prior to lockdown, I was fortunate enough to attend a presentation by Paul Taylor, a former British Royal Navy Aircrew Officer turned Neuroscientist, Exercise Physiologist and Nutritionist. Paul is also currently completing a PhD in Applied Psychology. An engaging and enthusiastic speaker, Paul presented the latest cutting-edge science when it comes to wellbeing, resilience,

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Staying well during lockdown

Lockdown aches and pains: Is your neck or back becoming a bit of a problem during lockdown? Well, you’re not alone! We have certainly noticed a lot more people presenting to the clinic with neck and back pain over 2020 and 2021. So what is causing it and what can you do at home? Change

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Neural tension in Physiotherapy

What is neural tension? Neural tension can occur when nerves are not sliding and gliding through tissues as they usually would. The nerves that supply the sensation and movements to your arms and legs are called “peripheral nerves.” When neural tension occurs in peripheral nerves, it can cause areas of referred symptoms into parts of

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Plagiocephaly: head shape in babies

Plagiocephaly (or misshapen head) is a very common problem that often causes significant parental concern. However, it is also a highly preventable and treatable condition with the right information at the right time. What is Plagiocephaly? Plagiocephaly refers to a misshapen or asymmetrical head shape. It is sometimes referred to as “Deformational Plagiocepahly” or “Positional Plagiocephaly”. A

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