Pain: the good and the bad
What type of pain you should be worried about and what you should expect As Physiotherapists, we encounter all kinds of pain and the patients who experience it. I could write a thesis on pain as it is so complex. Instead, I would like to focus on how we, as Physiotherapists, understand and interpret your pain. In
Self care
What exactly is Self Care? Self Care is a concept that’s been talked of a lot in the past few years. Often referred to as a ‘buzzword’, it is frequently misunderstood. It is a term used to define a practice that has a lifetime value. Undoubtedly, it is a practice that involves more than simply massages, manicures,
Running assessment
Running takes on many forms! You might notice when out for a run that there are many different running styles around! To understand what I mean, take a look at this short video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Nu8FlpDSPl4 People have accomplished amazing running races with “technically-poor” running styles. So how can this be? There’s more than meets the eye when determining what
5 tips for running success
The big day in the running world: On Sunday 10 October, thousands of recreational runners will take on the challenge of a 5km, 10km, half marathon or full marathon distance at the Melbourne Marathon Festival. With new title sponsors and following the 2020 cancellation of this event, this 2021 version promises to be bigger than ever.
Chee’s guide to the snow in Victoria
Welcoming the winter ahead I am hopeful that, following this lockdown, we will be able to get to the snow in Victoria once again! We all need something to keep us active and moving and Victoria has plenty on offer. For some, winter means we will spend more time resting indoors. On the other hand,
Diaphragmatic breathing
Breathing is the thing we do constantly in life, yet we often forget about the importance of it. It is our easiest and most natural method for stress relief. With a bit more awareness it can help us in stressful moments. Normally in stressful situations we breath into the “top” of our lungs. At the
Why meal plans don’t work
Meal plans – the reality: As we move into the colder months and back into some semblance of a pre-covid routine, that New Year’s resolution to shift the lockdown weight may seem like a distant memory. Meal plans are one way people attempt to avoid this inevitable slump in motivation. “I just want a meal plan. I
Muscle Memory
We’ve all heard the saying, ‘’It’s like learning to ride a bike’’. But what is it that allows us to pick up a skill we’ve previously learned but haven’t practiced for months or years. The long-lasting memory for learned skills, is often known as muscle memory. What is muscle memory? Even the simplest everyday actions
Stress management
What is stress? Stress is the body’s physiological ‘fight or flight’ response to a potentially dangerous situation. The sequence of hormonal changes and physiological responses helps someone to fight the threat off or flee to safety. Unfortunately, the body can also overreact to stressors that are not life-threatening. Over time, repeated activation of the stress
Hallux valgus & bunions
Hallux valgus/bunions are a common foot condition that can cause significant pain and loss of function. I understand the importance of our foot health all too well as a Physiotherapist. Correct foot and ankle function help us to gain sufficient balance, strength and mobility. Therefore, even the smallest of injuries can throw these things off course.