Mastitis & blocked milk ducts
What is a blocked duct? A blocked duct is an area or segment of the breast where milk flow is obstructed (milk stasis). This causes a reddened area or segment of the breast. The area can become tender, hard and painful. Sometimes it can be localised tenderness or pain without an obvious lump. It may occur with
How to make good habits stick – 5 expert tips
Creating good habits for the year ahead: Research shows we’re not very good at keeping good habits. It is estimated that 81% of New Year’s resolutions fail. This means you are more likely to fall back into old habits than you are to stick with a new behaviour. As we celebrate the end of 2020 and welcome 2021,
Pilates principles
Pilates – back to basics: It’s time to strip back to our core treatment method, Pilates. (Pun intended!) Today I would like to delve into Pilates principles and body cues to help you get the most out of your Pilates session. How did Pilates first come about? Pilates was created by a man called Joseph
Multiple Sclerosis and Pilates
My multiple sclerosis journey: It’s been 20 years since I was diagnosed with multiple sclerosis. I’d thought of ways of marking the milestone, but it’s hardly cause for celebration. Then I was invited to write a short blog about my experience of Pilates for multiple sclerosis – perfect. Discovering the benefits of Clinical Pilates: Discovering Pilates is a
Paediatric Physiotherapy – motor development milestones
Gross motor development milestones from birth to 3 years old: As babies and young children grow, motor development is something we are interested in as Physiotherapists. They begin to develop new movement skills and patterns with age. All children are different and develop these skills at a variable rate. This motor development does, however, follow
Exercise motivation
Returning to physical exercise post-lockdown For a lot of people, exercise motivation has plummeted during a prolonged lockdown. In light of this, many of our exercise habits have changed during the past 7 months. We’ve all tried our best to stay active during COVID. Whether it be walking blocks or running laps of our suburbs. Perhaps
Are your kids getting enough exercise?
We are living in an age where technology has taken over so much of our time. Kids are spending more time in front of televisions and IPADs. We can probably all agree this has been exacerbated by COVID. Homeschooling and the closure of sports venues, competitive sports, pools and recreation facilities has fueled the problem.
Pregnancy, childbirth & postnatal journey
2020 has certainly been a year that no one will forget! On February 17th, Andrew and I welcomed Claudia Elizabeth Minichiello into the world. Claudia weighed 3.3kg and was 10 days overdue. We were so delighted to become Mum and Dad and knew our lives would never be the same once she arrived. Covid-19 was
Stay positive during Covid-19!
Have you struggled to stay positive in 2020? It is safe to say you’re not alone. There is uncertainty around work, finances and health. We aren’t able to spend quality time with loved ones. Communication has become predominantly technologically-based with the likes of Zoom and FaceTime. Planning too far into the future is futile as
Lockdown hobbies
Keeping occupied during these strange times: Up until stage 4, I was fortunate to have a multitude of tasks to keep myself busy. With the new restrictions in place, things started to look a bit different. I found myself looking for things to occupy my (literal) idle hands. Always the optimist, I was determined to