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Tips for return to running (Part 2)

Further tips for running include the importance of terrain and footwear. A couple of good pairs of running shoes will do you wonders! Choosing a good pair of running shoes makes all the difference in reducing risk of running injuries and improving the efficiency/performance of your running. Why is this the case? Positioning of the foot

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Tips for return to running (Part 1)

Below is a guide to a safe return to running in order to prevent running related injuries. We’re seeing an increase in people running now that gyms are closed, however a sudden change in exercise could lead to injuries if you’re not well prepared. 1. Gradually increase you running distance and intensity: Once you start

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Nutrition through the pandemic

Have questions about your nutrition and coronavirus? Bella our dietician will provide answers to some of the most common questions. Is there a specific diet that will make my immune system more resistant to the COVID-19? Short answer – no. The best thing you can do for your immune system is follow our National Guidelines

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Social distancing & exercise

After more than a month of home isolation and social distancing, luckily we are still able to leave home to exercise. We are seeing a large increase in the number of people running and exercising outdoors. Gyms are closed and group exercise classes suspended, but people are still looking for ways to stay active and

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Working from home during Covid-19

With the Covid-19 restrictions, many of you may be working from home. During this time you may find you have a less than ideal desk set up. Now is an important time to make sure that your office set up is as ergonomically perfect as it can be and that you are taking regular stretching

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Is your smartphone or tablet a pain in the neck?

The use of  a smartphone or tablet device has increased significantly over the last decade. We use them constantly for texting, applications and for work. Could you even imagine life without them?! This is probably even more prevalent now that we’re isolating at home and working from home. Smartphones are efficient and convenient alternatives compared

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Keep Running: 3 in 30 minutes

Stuck at home during Covid-19 and unsure how to continue with your running? Thanks to Chris from GoRun Australia for the following suggested running sessions. Here’s what Chris has to say: Ok, so run groups and events are cancelled, but that doesn’t mean sitting on our arses and losing all the hard fought for fitness

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Running: Heel or Toe- Yes or no?

Do you suffer from lower limb injuries related to running? Will changing your technique help alleviate your pain? Will it make you run faster or be more efficient? These are all questions debated in the running community, and questions we’re asked by patients who present with impact related injuries. So what is forefoot or rearfoot

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Can you make some eco-friendly changes in 2020?

In the wake of the Australian Bushfire Crisis this summer, there is no denying climate change is very real and it’s impact devastating. So how can we play our part in helping to offset climate change and reduce our production of waste? Read on for some easy eco-friendly changes you can make in 2020. Every

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Clinical Exercise for Osteoporosis

Osteoporosis is a common disease affecting over 1 million Australians. This disease makes bones become brittle leading to a higher risk of breaks than in normal bone. Osteoporosis occurs when bones lose minerals, such as calcium, more quickly than the body can replace them. This causes a loss of bone thickness (bone density or mass).

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