Mental Health and Exercise
Does exercise have an impact on our mental health? We all know exercise has many different benefits for our physical health. However, not much is spoken about the impact it can have on our mental health. Recent studies show that exercise can be just as effective in treating mild- moderate depression as therapy and medication.

Restorative Yoga – The Remedy to Stress
Stephanie Williams is an experienced yoga teacher specialising in Women’s yoga and pre and post-natal. At PMPP we have teamed up with Stephanie to share a restorative yoga workshop, including yoga nidra. This will be held at PMPP on Sunday 2nd February and 50% of the ticket sales will be donated towards Red Cross Australia

Recipe: Chocolate Peanut Butter Bliss Balls
Looking for a quick, healthy snack to eat on the run or impress friends with at your next picnic? These Peanut Butter Bliss Balls are free from refined sugar, will keep you fuller for longer, and are delicious! The best thing is they are super simple and quick to make. What is a Bliss Ball?
Exercising through the Seasons
As the days warm up, now is a great time to evaluate your exercise regime. When exercising throughout the seasons you may need to change your routine if it no longer suits the time of year. Being a keen runner (pre-pregnancy!) I have trained in both very cold and very hot conditions. I once found

Goal Setting for 2020
As physiotherapists, when treating any injury, we set goals with our patients. Realistic, achievable short term and long term goals that we can work towards. Our goals may be increasing range of motion in a joint, improving strength or flexibility in a muscle and ultimately minimising pain and improving function. We further specify our goals

Have you had your Skin Check?
Leading into Summer, it’s almost time for beach days, outdoor picnics, and to get out of the gym and exercising outdoors again. And with this comes the time to pull out the sun hats, update your sunscreen and sort out your activewear. Now is also a good time to think about booking in for a

Understanding your physiology: “Women are Not Small Men”
It is common knowledge that hormones have a powerful effect on energy, sleep, mood and many other aspects of body function. It is also well understood that women’s cycles are biphasic, meaning hormone levels change. However, it is much less discussed in regards to the impact physiology has on female performance and training for endurance

Coping with Grief
As we head into the ‘Silly Season’ I want to talk about stress, grief, and tension. This trifecta can often consume us and finding a way to be happy can sometimes seem impossible. Attempting to suppress these feelings will probably leave you feeling emotionally exhausted, drained, and defeated. Ultimately, grief and stress can physically manifest in

An Inclusive Practice
Being in a clinical environment we tend to attract a lot of athletic and highly active people. Weekend warriors, beach road runners and triathletes all cross through our doors for remedial massage treatments. We also of course see many office workers with sore necks and backs. However, I just wanted to highlight a topic I

Did you make you ergonomic resolutions this year?
Each New Year, we fall into the habit of making the same resolutions: Get fit. Lose weight. Save money. These resolutions often get broken, usually with the excuse that work takes up too much time to focus on your wellbeing. As we head into the second half of the year, now is the perfect time